The Elders of Vicenza Bible Church are publishing their writings on this blog to bring a contextualization of the gospel to their readers.


Suffering Well

We get a glimpse of Paul’s sufferings in the Scriptures. He was not naïve, he knew the Christian’s call was to suffer as our Lord has suffered. He also recognized that a minister of the Word will suffer greater, for ministers suffer also for the sake of the church. But then he makes an interesting statement by writing, “…in filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions.” Is he saying something is missing from what Christ suffered?

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The World is Watching

The representative spoke at a prayer breakfast. In her introduction, she bragged about being on time to the prayer because she turned down sex with her fiancée. She then stated that it would happen that night. Later, she posted on the tweet machine that she goes to church because she is a sinner and not a saint while also noting that this was a joke. Many problems surround this now infamous speech.

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The Priesthood of the Christian

Every culture bows its knee to a religion. Every religion influences customs and activities in culture. Holidays, traditions, acceptable speech, the clothing of a society, and many more outward elements point to the inward truths that society functions under. Because religion and culture are married, each society has a select group of priests and priestesses that point people to the religion.

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The Throne of Majesty

Leaders lead, rulers rule, and governors govern. While the nation, circumstance, and situation clarifies what exercising authority looks like, the Christian doesn’t blindly live to the Kingship of Jesus. His authority is real, tangible, and applicable. Not to mention, Scripture interfuses Jesus’ Kingship throughout its pages.

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The Glory of the Not-Yet

Even though Christmas time has passed, certain Christmas songs continue to be sung around our house. One such song joyfully sung is Joy to the World! I don’t mind too much though, because this song ought to be sung all year. The beauty and truth wrapped together lead us to worship the Lord! Have you ever considered this song before?

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Worship Through Marriage

Each year allows us to reflect on our marriage to one another but also causes us to praise God for what he has done through us. God is the designer of marriage and is the one that has defined it.

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The True Worship of the Triune God

Moving every 2-3 years takes a toll on an individual, a couple, and a family. It drains the tank quickly, and if that tank is not filled with the fuel of worship towards the Triune God, then you are burning the ethanol of self, corroding away the engine of your body and soul through each transition.

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The Apathetic Christian Man

We are living in a time when men, across all spectrums, are falling into the trap of apathy. In this post we discover the reasons for apathy and then lay out a biblical solution for the apathetic Christian man.

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Same Sex Attraction

This issue is one that has blown up to significant proportions in the last 15 years. It is an urgent issue that must be biblically investigated not only because our culture has, as a whole, embraced this as a “good” and “acceptable” ethic, but also because the Church is divided severely over the issue.

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Jesus and Women

“I read a few social media posts saying that since Jesus first appeared to Mary and she was the first to announce His resurrection, this is evidence that women should be pastors.” Read Anthony’s responses to social media posts on this topic.

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God’s Glory Through Zelenskyy

Certain leaders during certain periods of the world shine through the pages of history, and a person could very well live a lifetime and not see such a leader. I would argue that right now, we are seeing such a leader through the life of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian President.

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The Glory of God in Counseling

Biblical counseling is a mission, a work, an endeavor, a labor to see the glorious radiance of the Creator restored to the one who is created in the image of God.

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Shaped By His Very Presence

Our liturgy should contain 3 main guiding principles. In these three principles the mind, heart, and will are evoked with the majesty and beauty of God... We are thus “Shaped.” In this article, you find out what those principles are and how it impacts your worship and beliefs.

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The Conversion Therapy of the Gospel

We face a world that rejects the gospel in a more outward manner than we have seen for many generations. This week, Canadian bill C-4 went into effect. This bill prevents “conversion therapy” for people who are homosexual or wanting to change genders.

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The Coming of the King

Given this truth in combination with the totality of Scripture, we aren’t called to be passive, to hide away, to flee society, or to give up and just wait for Jesus.

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The People of the King

A strange phenomenon occurs every Christmas season, and that is people who do not attend a worship service throughout the year will attend the Christmas service.

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