The Coming of the King

by Chris Hendrix

Advent Devotional ~ Day 24

Read Isaiah 11:6-9; Revelation 22

The ending of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy is the most powerful story ending. (Spoiler Alert) Building up to this point, Frodo had been significantly injured twice. The first came in the Lord of the Rings when he was stabbed by the Witch-King, and the second came in the Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King when the spider, Shelob, poisoned him. After he completed his journey, he went back to the Shire, but continued to feel the pain from these injuries every year on the anniversary they occurred. The story ends as he sets sail to the Undying Lands, a special place outside of Middle-earth that only welcomes immortals and ring bearers. Only here, would he be able to find true healing, peace, and restoration of innocence.

The end of the story is similar for us as Christians. We call this eschatology. We already know that Christ is victorious, we already know that He currently reigns at the right hand of God, and we already know that we will be with Him soon. What we may not know though is that God will install a New Creation. After the Second Coming of Christ and the Final Judgment, believers in Jesus Christ will dwell in this New Creation, with Christ himself being the source of life. Within this place, peace will reign, and we will see Christ face to face. Death will be no more, and creatures who were in a combative relationship will be at peace.

This is the promise and hope we have received from our Lord. His Coming will be one we rejoice and exalt in! Given this truth in combination with the totality of Scripture, we aren’t called to be passive, to hide away, to flee society, or to give up and just wait for Jesus. This future truth, when understood properly in the context of Scripture, is the fuel for our souls to engage our culture, world, and society with the name of Christ. Let us be a people who share the gospel daily, make decisions and choices that magnify the name of the Lord, engage the public sphere of life with truth, Christ-centric thoughts, and biblical morals, and be willing to be persecuted for our faith because we know the final hope that awaits us.

Frodo’s eschatology was on display through his persevering strength that continued through the seemingly impossible. How much more as servants of the True King should we display our eschatology through trusting in the Lord’s Sovereignty and living our lives in accordance with Jesus reigning now.


This Christmas, celebrate the first coming of Christ, but dwell and praise Him for the Second Coming that is sure to come. Feast, share gifts, enjoy family time, and rest because we know that the end is only the beginning.

Application questions

1. How much time do you spend thinking about future generations from you (your children’s children, etc.)? How could your obedience and choices for the kingdom now impact them?

2. Does thinking about the end drive you to care for our world now and share the good news, or does it drive you to “buy your time” until that day comes? 

3. How does thinking upon Jesus’ Kingship now differ from His Kingship in the future? Does this mean you serve him differently now than you will in the future?


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The People of the King