The Sacrifice of the King

by Anthony Wilson

Advent Devotional ~ Day 22

Read Matthew 27:33-28:15, John 19:16-20:18

Jesus did not come to earth to just be a baby that lays in a manger to make us happy during the Christmas season. Instead, he came as the perfect sacrifice for sinners. These two passages tell the story of Jesus being crucified. Matthew 27:37 says, "And over his head, they put the charge against him, which read, 'This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.'" Likewise, in John 19:19-22, we see Pilate had the sign hung above Jesus, but the Jewish people ask him to change it to, "This man said, I am the King of the Jews." The Jewish leaders did not like that Jesus' death was marked with the truth that he was king. Pilate refused to change the sign and has Jesus crucified with the title of King. While this sign was intended to mock Jesus, it was proclaiming the truth of who Jesus is. How embarrassing for a king to be hung on a cross! How powerless the king must be if he could not prevent his own people from killing him! If the story had ended with Jesus being put to death on the cross, it would be a story of a failed king. Fortunately for us, the story does not end in Jesus' death. The king's reign begins at his resurrection! Sin and death have been conquered by the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. Only the king that has dominion over all things can defeat death. The king that created all of creation can rise from the grave. The king that gives life to all living creatures can go from death to life himself. The story of Jesus' death on the cross is the story of our sins being paid for. The whole earth mourns when the king is crucified, and the whole creation rejoices at the king's resurrection. Christmas is about how Jesus was born to live a human life, die on a cross for our sins, and rise victorious over death!


Think about your sins that have been paid for on the cross. Thank God for the work of Jesus as the perfect payment for your sins. Dwell on the idea that Jesus physically and spiritually rose from the dead as king. Ask God to grow you in your obedience to the king and passion for serving in His kingdom.

Application questions

1. How are you celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus during Christmas?

2. If Jesus is king, how should you live in response to this truth?


The People of the King


The Purpose of the King