The Elders of Vicenza Bible Church are publishing their writings on this blog to bring a contextualization of the gospel to their readers.
The Crownless Again Shall Be King
He has fulfilled the Davidic Covenant to rule and reign. God exalted him after He resurrected and ascended. Jesus was the fire from the ashes that rose up.
The King of Christmas
The role of a king is somewhat lost on our modern Western minds. When people think of a king, they think of a wealthy, fat, finely clothed man with access to every luxury of the kingdom. They might also picture one who sits above everyone else, who is there to be served, and who makes demands. Some might imagine a tyrant who has let absolute power corrupt absolutely. As Americans, we rebel against monarchial rule, for the power belongs to the republic, not one man. After all, we won the war for independence!
A Christ Exhalting Christmas
The smells of chestnuts roasting and frittelle frying around this time of year signals that Christmas is just around the corner. The season's beauty, wonder, and glimmer inject a spark into society. A sentimental feeling swells as people are friendlier, busier, and looking forward to December 25th. Of course, as believers in Jesus Christ, Christmas holds more than warm fuzzies but a sense of climatic worship.
The Coming of the King
Given this truth in combination with the totality of Scripture, we aren’t called to be passive, to hide away, to flee society, or to give up and just wait for Jesus.
The People of the King
A strange phenomenon occurs every Christmas season, and that is people who do not attend a worship service throughout the year will attend the Christmas service.
The Sacrifice of the King
Dwell on the idea that Jesus physically and spiritually rose from the dead as king.
The Purpose of the King
Only upon hearing the voice of the Shepherd will you enter through the door of eternal life.
The Birth of Christ
For all the importance that has been placed on Christmas throughout the years, I find it amazing that there are only 3 chapters in the New Testament devoted to the birth of Christ, Matthew 1 and 2 and Luke 2.
The Paving of the Way
As our hearts receive His words in this holy season of waiting and expecting, we should take heed of His promises, blessings, warnings, and commands.
God's People Enslaved
God's people are humiliated, beaten, and defeated. Why did God let all of this happen?
The Prophecy of the Messiah
King Jesus has invaded time and space so that you may exit time and space.
The Call to True Worship
In the days of Ahab, king of Israel, and his queen Jezebel, Elijah enforced the covenant by announcing the punishment of drought for the northern kingdom’s idolatry.
The Chosen King
Truly, we are often driven towards things that we believe are the best for us and our family, good looking people, prosperous schools, influential friends, power, money, image…
A Story of Sovereignty
During Christmas time, we tend to read Matthew 1 quickly to get to the birth story. Some may even skip this chapter, but those aren’t just names on a page.
God's Victories and Adoptions
Joshua is a story of God winning battles with His people, God redeeming His enemies, and God caring for His people.
The Law of God Given
Jesus Christ, and Him alone is only One who contains the perfect inward desires leading to a perfect outward reality in relation to God’s law; and this perfection was imputed (credited) to our account.
The Exodus From Egypt
The crossing of the Red Sea was such a monumental event in the history of Israel that we have two versions of it in the book of Exodus, first in narrative, and the second in poetry in the Song of Moses.
Joseph and the Chosen People in Egypt
How many times our lives go in the exact opposite direction than the dreams God has placed in our hearts.
Jacob’s Encounter with God
We either view God as so far above us that He certainly does not understand our struggles, or we view Him as a cuddly Teddy Bear ready to comfort us when we demand. Both of these are dangerous to our understanding of God.