The Purpose of the King
by Michael Shipman
Advent Devotional ~ Day 21
Read John 10
If there ever was a passage of Scripture that clearly paints the mission and identity of King Jesus, it is this one. In the context of this passage Jesus has just finished taking the Pharisees to task over the healing of the man born blind (Ch. 9). He is now putting the icing on the cake as He unfolds His purpose and subsequent identity. In verses 1-21 Jesus reveals Himself as the “Door” and “Good Shepherd.” These titles are extremely important in understanding your King’s identity.
The Door- There is no other path, entrance, trail, or gate in which we can have communion with God. It is through Christ and Christ alone (see Jn 14:6). In this claim we are seeing, what is called, the exclusivity of Christ. Jesus is mightily declaring in no uncertain terms that there is no possibility of access to YAHWEH without going through Him (and do not be mistaken, He has already clearly revealed His identity in John 8:58). Jesus has revealed access where once there appeared to be no access.
Good Shepherd- In verses 11-18 Jesus declares that He is the Good Shepherd. This characteristic of His is filled with Old Covenant imagery (which I am not allotted space to unfold). But for our purposes, we need to see that Jesus as the Eternal King has come as a tender Shepherd to gather His flock. He is not derelict as the past shepherds of Israel (Jeremiah 23). In fact, He is so committed and effectual in His mission, He proclaims that it is going to take the laying down of His own life and the raising of it again to obtain those whom the Father has given to Him. The Shepherd-King has come to gather His flock. In the last section (22-42), the Deity of Christ is once again asserted. Our Shepherd-King is giving gifts to His people and that gift is eternal life (vs. 28). This eternal life is given upon the hearing of the Shepherds voice (vs. 27).
Door, Shepherd, Voice, Eternal Life! What imagery our gracious God has given to us! We need to recognize this advent season that there is literally no difference today. Jesus is still the Door, the Good Shepherd, the effectual Voice cause resurrection belief, and He is eternal life itself! This is a gospel worth sharing! This is news worth rejoicing over. Let us bow our hearts and lives before the King of Glory and thank Him for these gracious gifts.
Only upon hearing the voice of the Shepherd will you enter through the Door of eternal life!
Application questions
1. How does the exclusivity of Christ (The Door) affect the way you may share the gospel?
2. In what way does Jesus as the Good Shepherd bring comfort and security?