The Elders of Vicenza Bible Church are publishing their writings on this blog to bring a contextualization of the gospel to their readers.


Changing with a Purpose

People change. What someone believes one day may not be what that person holds later down the road of life. When changes occur, the most crucial question is why? Why would someone go from one belief to another?

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Europe: The Field of Reams

Three commonalities appear in these European missionary stories: the predicament of the people, the persecution from the people, and the proclamation to the people.

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The True Saving of Conservatism

Conservatism needs to be saved. But not by voting for those who hate babies (abortion), love sexual deviancy (LGBTQ), and embrace agendas of thievery (socialism) and destruction (Marxism).

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Worship is Warfare

How does Psalm 97 strengthen the church in defending attacks and going on the offensive? Worship is the answer. Worship is warfare. Our worship to the Triune God results in fighting off sin in our own lives.

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The Collision of Christ and Culture

Christians must speak up. We must call out sin in the public square. We can’t let the fear of man stop us from identifying what is wicked and calling those who participate in it to repentance. We can’t sit passively by and let Western civilization commit suicide.

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Generational Regeneration

Politicians speak well of children and kiss babies while companies market products to kids. Our world prefers youth over old age, and medical advances make the elderly look like their progeny. On the other hand, the murder of babies continues to grow.

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The Caution of Converting

How can someone go from a place of truth to a place of lies? As Evangelicals, our first reaction ought to be one of self-examination. What did JD Vance’s experience in those particular evangelical churches teach him? That the church pursues after ‘newness’ and throws aside our minds. Sadly, this tends to define many of us.

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A Peculiar Prayer for the Persecuted

A false notion exists among many evangelicals that the age of martyrdom has passed. However, more of our brothers and sisters have died in our modern world than in the ancient, with no signs of letting up. Actually, persecution continues to ramp up.

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The Reign of Christ Over Tyrants

A little over a week ago, one of the Italian churches we have partnered with received devasting news. The Supreme Court of Italy ruled that their church building did not meet the criteria for a place of worship.

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A True Church

Is the Roman Catholic church a true church? I participated in a conference in Rome this past week, and this question undergirded much of the discussion.

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Suffering with Strength from the Future

What do you turn to while suffering? What brings encouragement and hope? The Christian reply is usually called “the church” answer, Jesus! God! The Bible! Those are true, but what does turning to the Triune God and His Word mean?

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Taxation, Thievery, and the Tithe

Have you ever pondered the biblical stance on our tax system? When we consider the Bible and taxes, we might recall Jesus’ words in Matthew 17:24–27 or Matthew 22:15–22. These passages touch on the topic of paying taxes, but they don’t provide a clear directive on what constitutes an excessive amount.

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Sin of Slander

James firmly commands us not to speak evil against one another in James 4:11-12. He does this not only because the fruits of this action are rotten but because it is an attack on the Lord Himself. When a person speaks evil and judges another, he/she has done something significant.

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A Hanwell Deacon is a Harmful Deacon

So what is truth? Truth is the person of Jesus Christ. As Paul sums up in 1 Timothy 3:16, “Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.” The service of a deacon comes from Christ, focuses on Christ, and lifts up the name of Christ.

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Is Christ’s Lordship Active or Passive?

We live in a time that struggles to understand the Lordship of Christ. One of the hot topics among Christian circles right now involves the application of Christ's Kingship. Every Christian agrees that Christ is King. Every Christian knows that Christ sustains all things. Every Christian believes that He exercises authority. The issue comes down to the extent of His authority. Is he exercising an active Lordship or passive?

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Glibly Giving of Gimmicks

The Great Commission is turned to the Great Consumer. Instead of making Christians, churches make clients. This occurs by bringing unbelievers into Sunday worship, conferences, and other church events to ‘save’ them. The reality is these churches need saving.

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Contentment vs.“Socioeconomic Justice”

We in Western societies have sleepwalked our way into allowing covetous ideologies, primarily “socioeconomic justice”, which is grounded in socialist principles, to infiltrate all our major institutions of influence - our governments, our schools and universities, and our news and entertainment.

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The Achieved Victory

When the enemies surround us and bring their attacks against us, we already have the victory in hand. Christ, who conquered death and resurrected, has given us this victory. We don't need chariots of fire. That would be a downgrade. That would be settling for a weaker army. Christ is all we need.

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The Specialness of Holy Week

This past Sunday began what’s known as Holy Week. Every day is holy to the Lord, so it’s not that this week, in particular, is commanded by the Lord to be set aside. All of us will work, go about our everyday routine, care for children, pay our bills, and live life as usual. However, we call it a holy week because of the marvelous events that unfolded in Scripture.

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