A True Church
by Christopher Hendrix
Is the Roman Catholic church a true church? I participated in a conference in Rome this past week, and this question undergirded much of the discussion. Session after session sought to pierce through the shiny armor of Roman Catholicism to uncover the truth lurking underneath. Once the armor gave way to the flesh inside, we all saw rottenness and stink. The Roman Catholic church is a dead church. A dead church is not a true church.
Watch Pastor Chris Hendrix’s sermon on James 5:19-20
A true church has breath and life from Christ, the fountainhead of life. The head of the church is Christ who directs, governs, and rules all things. The church submits to Him and is governed by Him but not so in the Catholic church. Who is their head? The Vatican’s response is Christ, but which Christ? The Christ of Scripture, or the Christ of a man-made invention? They would proclaim “of Scripture.” At the same time, a white-robbed man sits on a throne and pronounces an infallible word. No, this man’s name is not Christ. His name is Pope Francis.
A true church holds fast to the Gospel. A gospel that contains glories and gifts that go beyond anything anyone can imagine. The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ were accomplished for His children. These kids are ones that were in utter rebellion, who demonstrated a hatred for their Father through their actions and words. They were enemies of God who transgressed His law and wallowed in the mud of wickedness. For this reason, the wrath of God was upon them. However, because of the Father’s wondrous love, He sent His Son, the perfect and holy One, the only righteous Son, to satisfy this wrath. These rebellious children are forgiven and free. Not only was forgiveness accomplished, but they also received the righteousness of the perfect Son. They are justified because of God’s freely gifted grace. So now, all sons and daughters of the King are perfect in their position before God. The true church loves, cherishes, speaks, and remains in this Gospel. The Roman Catholic church doesn’t preach Christ crucified but preaches Christ continues to be crucified. Salvation did not occur at a point in time, but it was given to God’s people throughout all of the time. Salvation happens every week as Christ is crucified yet again through the Eucharist as grace is dispensed like a drink from a vending machine. And if someone doesn’t attend the mass that week, they’re at risk of purgatory. Either way, they will have to pay for their sins. This is not the Gospel. This is not good news. This is news that reeks of death. Only a dead church would hold to this, not a true church. Much more evidence can be brought forth, but a question lingers.
Are there Christians in the Catholic church?
The answer is yes.
Yet, this answer has a caveat. They are saved not because they look to the Vatican’s teachings. They are saved because they looked at the Scriptures. They saw the words of true salvation. They saw the words of life and not death. They believed in the Gospel in the Bible. Why would they remain in the cemetery of the Holy See? Every person’s answer is different. But let us apply James 5:19–20 and call them out to a church that nourishes their souls. Let us call them to a true church.