Changing with a Purpose
by Christopher Hendrix
People change. What someone believes one day may not be what that person holds later down the road of life. When changes occur, the most crucial question is why? Why would someone go from one belief to another? What happened at the core of that person’s worldview? For example, new information arrives daily on both candidates during election season. Post-debate heightened the level of messages between and about both candidates. However, one particular interview (finally!) from Harris should not go unnoticed. In a sit-down softball conversation with CNN, the interviewer asked the most obvious question: “How should voters look at some of the changes that you’ve made?” What changes does the journalist refer to? Complete 180s occurred in small areas of her policies, such as her fracking ban, the Green Puke Deal, and immigration. So, why? She responded with the reality that her values have not changed, providing a transparent insight into her decision-making process.
Listen to Pastor Chris' sermon on 2 Corinthians 1:12-22.
What does that tell us? It means the month's flavor has changed with most of America (perceivably), so her support for certain policies has also. As a people pleaser, she seeks to only speak to tickle the most ears possible. It’s a form of lying and manipulation. However, we should not be fooled because the core belief system remains intact. The worldview that underlies her previous detrimental policies will still come out in other ways and policies. The policies will take on differing names and descriptions but achieve the same ends. Her values have not changed, and we should believe her on that 100 percento.
Kamala Harris is an example of what Paul was not in 2 Corinthians 1:12–22. Paul appeared to the Corinthians to be vacillating and inconsistent. He changed his mind about visiting them. Paul seemed to be doing a 180 on his plans. But, like Harris, his values did not change. Though his plans changed, he communicated his love and desire for them remained true. Unlike Kamala, he didn’t try to deceive or manipulate but communicated the reason for his change transparently. It wasn’t due to a core shift in his worldview but because of his worldview. His change of plans stemmed from his love for them, founded upon God's nature.
This is why, in verse 18, Paul draws in the faithfulness of God. Paul isn’t acting in a worldly way but in a godly manner. God is unchanging. This grand truth means His very core values do not shift or waver. Though our finite minds struggle to comprehend his movements in the world, Scripture promises he does not change. So then, He is also faithful. He is loyal and will not abandon His children. The greatest demonstration of this is the fulfillment of all His promises in Christ. The Gospel of Christ proved His loyalty and faithfulness to His children. There’s no greater example on earth. No matter what we encounter or struggle through, His presence dwells with us through the Spirit based on Christ. The whole Trinity works for our good and God’s glory.
In imitation of God’s faithfulness, Paul chooses to change his trip not because his faithfulness has wavered for the people but because of his love for them. This change led to Paul rebuking them through written form rather than face-to-face. Godly wisdom informed his decision-making process to call them to repentance and belief. This decision was not a man-centric, fleshly, fearful choice but a loving change.
Does our love for one another imitate Paul or Kamala? When we change towards one another, do these changes stem from a heart of love or manipulation? Do we seek one another’s best, or do we seek our best by using one another? Is our love for one another God-centric or man-centric? Is the purpose in our relationships founded upon the Triune God, whether they are constant or changing? May we be a people that represent the faithful God in our relationships with one another.