The True Saving of Conservatism
David French dropped an article this past week in the New York Times that sent shockwaves throughout mainstream evangelicalism. You can find it here. David claims to be a pro-life Christian who has decided to vote for Harris instead of Trump. He argues that voting for Harris will save conservatism. French asserts that the Republican party has changed under Trump for the worse. He claims the party has become more violent, more accepting of lies, and crueler because of Trump. So then, he has decided to vote for Harris. He defends this vote by arguing Christians can vote for the Democratic party. A vote for the democratic party is a vote to save conservatism, according to French.
Now, he makes quite the claim, and if it seems contradictory to vote for such a radically progressive candidate to save conservatism, that’s because it is. Many points can be said about his argument. First, he refuses to vote for Trump because he lies and is mean. That’s not an argument that holds any weight. Second, the same can be said about the Harris ticket and the Democratic party. The lies surrounding Biden’s abilities, the reports on how Biden and Harris treat their staffers, and the list goes on over the same accusations French throws at the Republicans. Finally, his statistics are riddled with half-truths and missing the complete picture. He mentions abortions dropped during Obama’s era compared to Bush and Trump. What he failed to say is that Obama opened up more access to the abortion pill (mifepristone and misoprostol). Not only that, but Obama pushed education that taught teenagers how to gain access to the pill and use that at an abortion clinic. Other drugs, such as the Plan B pill, also increased drastically under Obama. America didn’t become more moral and decided to stop having abortions; they were just given covert instruments of death.
Watch Pastor Chris teach on Psalm 110.
Aside from French’s poorly argued points, one main point sticks out more. His argument to save conservatism is to look to Harris as the Messiah. Her entrance into office will rescue the party from the clutches of Trump. But what about Jesus Christ? He may be writing for a secular news outlet, but at what point does his faith in Christ come into play? His faith and trust in Christ don’t even garner a sentence. His heart is revealed in that his Messiah is found in politics.
The Scriptures teach Christians something vastly different. Our Messiah isn’t located in politics but in Christ. This is crucial to understand when discussing the salvation of conservatism. Psalm 110, the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament, prophecies the coming Messiah. Psalm 110 proclaims the nature of the Messiah. He is God. The use of Yahweh and Adonai points to the Savior's deity. But his humanity is also on display, as human qualities are described. Only the Incarnation can fulfill Psalm 110. He is unique and like no other.
Not only is the Messiah God and man, but His role is unique. He is a kingly priest. His kingship is seen in his power and rule. He reigns until all His enemies are put underneath His feet. The last enemy will be death. Scripture promises that His enemies will fall up to the previous enemy. He is a priest. In fact, he created an army of priests who were robed in holy garments. The Messiah makes them righteous and becomes living offerings to execute and serve the Messiah’s kingdom.
In the end, the Messiah will execute judgment on the rebels. All those who reject Him will face His wrath and judgment. But, even in the present time, He is crushing His enemies. And Psalm 110:7 promises He will continue this work until all is accomplished. This Messiah is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He reigns and rules above all. No politician can compare. There’s nothing in creation that can come close. He holds all majesty and power; change is only found in him. We know this Messiah as Jesus Christ. Jesus is Lord.
David French and I agree on one thing: conservatism needs to be saved. But not by voting for those who hate babies (abortion), love sexual deviancy (LGBTQ), and embrace agendas of thievery (socialism) and destruction (Marxism). The Republican Party’s only hope is Christ. A Christless conservatism is deadly and will result in wickedness. True change among conservatives can only come from humility and embracing Christ as the Messiah, not any political figure. Once this happens, significant changes will come about. These are changes that I think David French would reject and hate. Such changes would usher in holiness instead of a moral-therapeutic deism. Changes that would create laws outlawing abortion and punishing those who engage in it. Changes that would call to repentance politicians and journalists like himself who have compromised with sin. However, these are the changes needed to save conservatism. These are the changes necessary to save our nation. We need Jesus the Messiah.