The Elders of Vicenza Bible Church are publishing their writings on this blog to bring a contextualization of the gospel to their readers.
The Unity of Christ’s Church
They’ve claimed that the church must unite and not be fractured through these issues. However, their definition of unity involves every church member under their care agreeing with them and following them blindly into the fray.
A Genuine Godly Grief
If we sin, we may be upset about it, but do we run back to that sin? Do we plan and premediate our sin? Do we make peace with it and hold on to it?
The Comforts of the Church
Do you struggle to find comfort among God’s people? The problem may not be others; the problem might be you. If you feel disconnected or unplugged, do you expect others to come seek after you, or do you put forth an effort to connect?
Have You Experienced Joy from A Christian Community?
The Corinthians cost Paul hardship, a ministry opportunity, and sleepless nights. He was in conflict and turmoil over their sins and situation. Where is the joy in all of this?
The Control of Culture
We find ourselves asking, “How can the finite comprehend the infinite?” This idea emerged from a desire to make our doctrines more acceptable to culture, a decision that effectively handed over the reins of our beliefs.
The American Church Experience
The way to save the American church experience starts and ends with the Word of God being rightly handled while the Spirit of God applies the truths to human souls.
The Triumph of Christ in the Turmoil of the Church
Recently, one of the great preachers in our generation admitted to his fellow elders a sin severe enough to disqualify him from pastoral ministry. Those influenced by his teachings and preachings received a somber reminder of how no confidence should be placed in the flesh.
Changing with a Purpose
People change. What someone believes one day may not be what that person holds later down the road of life. When changes occur, the most crucial question is why? Why would someone go from one belief to another?
Sin of Slander
James firmly commands us not to speak evil against one another in James 4:11-12. He does this not only because the fruits of this action are rotten but because it is an attack on the Lord Himself. When a person speaks evil and judges another, he/she has done something significant.
Is Christ’s Lordship Active or Passive?
We live in a time that struggles to understand the Lordship of Christ. One of the hot topics among Christian circles right now involves the application of Christ's Kingship. Every Christian agrees that Christ is King. Every Christian knows that Christ sustains all things. Every Christian believes that He exercises authority. The issue comes down to the extent of His authority. Is he exercising an active Lordship or passive?
Contentment vs.“Socioeconomic Justice”
We in Western societies have sleepwalked our way into allowing covetous ideologies, primarily “socioeconomic justice”, which is grounded in socialist principles, to infiltrate all our major institutions of influence - our governments, our schools and universities, and our news and entertainment.
Taming the Tongue
We are called to guard our mouths, for our words could destroy us, our families, our churches, and our society. Those who claim, "I just speak what's on my mind," don't display a virtuous characteristic but demonstrate a lack of self-control. Those who wear their emotions on their sleeves aren't "just being honest," but show they do not guard their mouth. How do we guard our mouths and tame our tongues?
The Coupling of Faith and Works in Modern Times
Every so often, news headlines erupt with a hot topic that divides Christians. In the news last week, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled on a case that involved frozen embryos through the IVF process. A simple internet search will explain the process if you're unfamiliar with IVF. The Court's ruling acknowledged that each fertilized egg produced from IVF is a child. However, this sent shockwaves through the church.
The True Words of Faith
Living at an intersection of various cultures has taught me many things. Some of these include similarities between all people. For instance, people enjoy laughing. God has created humor; people tell stories and jokes to make others laugh. Another example involves eating. Each group prides themselves on some dish or food from their nationality, and people enjoy eating. However, one of the most common similarities all cultures have is the use of words.
The True Goodness
One of the most overused words in the English language is ‘good.’ Our days are good. Our kids are doing good. That Roman Carbonara was good. Her dress looks good. Good, good, good. We even use the word to remove the harshness of a description. For example, “That restaurant was good, but…” Good is not great, and it’s certainly not the best. It’s just, well, good. It’s no wonder that most people classify themselves as good. They know they aren’t perfect. They know they make mistakes. But they aren’t bad. So, they are good. However, the Bible removes this cultural lie and reveals that good is an excellent word.
Living Impartially In a Partial Time
We live in a time where tension among ethnicities is high. Over the past couple of decades, an increase in pressure has occurred. The Leftist globalism and "woke" ideology have fueled much of this tension and promoted the elevation of certain ethnicities. These ideologies are unbiblical, with terrible consequences.
The Life-Giving Word
Culture and the world attempt to capture our allegiance. Peter struggled with this in his life. When Christ spoke that he was going to Jerusalem for the crucifixion, Peter replied with a contradictory statement by saying, “No, Lord.” Jesus can’t be Lord of your life if you tell him no. Jesus rebuked him for this. When Christ spoke about his death and resurrection, Peter replied with a boastful statement that he would never fall away.
A Mindful Christian
We aren't called to be mindless, naïve, emotionally charged, obtuse people. We must be mindful, wise, joyful, and astute. This means proclaiming the Gospel that quenches all fires and brings reconciliation with the red-hot Eternal God. This means being salt and light, even when people want blandness and darkness. This starts with being a mindful Christian.
The Diet of Dying
The Christian life is one of endurance. As we’ve been covering James, trials produce endurance, ultimately leading to maturity in Christ. These are for our good and given to us by God. On the other hand, indulging in temptations undercut our growth in Christ.
The King of Christmas
The role of a king is somewhat lost on our modern Western minds. When people think of a king, they think of a wealthy, fat, finely clothed man with access to every luxury of the kingdom. They might also picture one who sits above everyone else, who is there to be served, and who makes demands. Some might imagine a tyrant who has let absolute power corrupt absolutely. As Americans, we rebel against monarchial rule, for the power belongs to the republic, not one man. After all, we won the war for independence!