Living Impartially In a Partial Time
by Christopher Hendrix
We live in a time where tension among ethnicities is high. Over the past couple of decades, an increase in pressure has occurred. The Leftist globalism and "woke" ideology have fueled much of this tension and promoted the elevation of certain ethnicities. Their redefinition of racism now paints most people as racists. Even if a black man, like Thomas Sowell, speaks with wisdom and truth against the leftists, he is considered a racist. These ideologies are unbiblical, with terrible consequences. Some of these have infiltrated churches. Pastors of different races have been elevated and given more authority in what they say because of their skin color. Some churches have brought different ethnicities onto the stage, allowing for grumbling and murmuring to guilt trip those listening. ‘Discipleship’ strategies have been created to create a more ‘diverse’ church. This diversity is actually manipulation. These strategies promote the idea that a few more people with increased melanin means increased cultural approval. These pastors, churches, and congregants must repent of their partiality.
Watch Pastor Chris Hendrix’s sermon on James 2:1-7.
On the other hand, an unbiblical counter-response has been growing among Christian churches. This is known as Kinism. Kinism seeks to promote segregation of ethnicities in the church, marriages, etc. Kinism says like skin color, people should stick together to preserve their ‘racial’ identity. People of similar skin color should worship in churches together, and groups should be divided along tribal lines. Thus, Kinism is a kissing cousin to the woke ideologies. Partiality exists at the heart of both.
James speaks to this in James 2:1–13. His command to not show partiality hits at this very thing. The word for partial involves an action based on what someone looks like. Showing favoritism to a specific class, ethnicity, or gender is all bound up in what James commands. His example of the rich and poor man proves this. He isn’t advocating for an egalitarian society within the church but refusing to prefer one person over another based on appearance or class. What does he base this command on? Faith in Jesus Christ!
The faith Christians have received was a gift given to us by God. Ephesians 2:8–9 says,
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. This gift was not given based on our ethnicity, class, or gender. It wasn’t even based on our work! God’s glory and Sovereignty drove Him to gift us faith. This gift stems from the work of Jesus Christ.
Romans 3:21–25 says,
But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— 22 the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith.
His flesh was given for us as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Death was the requirement for our sins, yet He paid the price. He was the sacrifice for you and me. We deserved the fullness of God’s wrath. Yet, Jesus took the punishment that we were guilty of. God’s wrath was very impartial. All of humanity is under it. Likewise, Jesus’ redemption is impartial. So then, our faith in Jesus Christ leads us to think impartially. We don’t determine our relationship with someone based on how much they look like us. Our relationship is determined by whether or not that person is in Christ. And, if he/she is, then there’s no greater unity one can have. Unity in Christ far surpasses skin color. The skin eventually rots away, but Christ is eternal.
So then, as the church of Jesus Christ, let us always be on guard for partiality. When we see it, let us call it out. Let us repent when we fall into it and seek holiness coming out of it. Let James 2 guide our thoughts, not the cultural battles around us. Let our minds not be captivated with unbiblical ideologies but seek truth. Let us live impartially in a partial time.