The Elders of Vicenza Bible Church are publishing their writings on this blog to bring a contextualization of the gospel to their readers.
Have You Experienced Joy from A Christian Community?
The Corinthians cost Paul hardship, a ministry opportunity, and sleepless nights. He was in conflict and turmoil over their sins and situation. Where is the joy in all of this?
The Parable of the President
President Biden announced an unprecedented pardon for his son, Hunter Biden, several days ago. His foundational principle for doing this is a father’s love. A father’s actual love doesn’t ignore lawlessness.
Changing with a Purpose
People change. What someone believes one day may not be what that person holds later down the road of life. When changes occur, the most crucial question is why? Why would someone go from one belief to another?
The Collision of Christ and Culture
Christians must speak up. We must call out sin in the public square. We can’t let the fear of man stop us from identifying what is wicked and calling those who participate in it to repentance. We can’t sit passively by and let Western civilization commit suicide.