The Elders of Vicenza Bible Church are publishing their writings on this blog to bring a contextualization of the gospel to their readers.


Sin of Slander

James firmly commands us not to speak evil against one another in James 4:11-12. He does this not only because the fruits of this action are rotten but because it is an attack on the Lord Himself. When a person speaks evil and judges another, he/she has done something significant.

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Taming the Tongue

We are called to guard our mouths, for our words could destroy us, our families, our churches, and our society. Those who claim, "I just speak what's on my mind," don't display a virtuous characteristic but demonstrate a lack of self-control. Those who wear their emotions on their sleeves aren't "just being honest," but show they do not guard their mouth. How do we guard our mouths and tame our tongues?

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The World is Watching

The representative spoke at a prayer breakfast. In her introduction, she bragged about being on time to the prayer because she turned down sex with her fiancée. She then stated that it would happen that night. Later, she posted on the tweet machine that she goes to church because she is a sinner and not a saint while also noting that this was a joke. Many problems surround this now infamous speech.

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