The Elders of Vicenza Bible Church are publishing their writings on this blog to bring a contextualization of the gospel to their readers.


A Genuine Godly Grief

If we sin, we may be upset about it, but do we run back to that sin? Do we plan and premediate our sin? Do we make peace with it and hold on to it?

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The Control of Culture

We find ourselves asking, “How can the finite comprehend the infinite?” This idea emerged from a desire to make our doctrines more acceptable to culture, a decision that effectively handed over the reins of our beliefs.

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The Collision of Christ and Culture

Christians must speak up. We must call out sin in the public square. We can’t let the fear of man stop us from identifying what is wicked and calling those who participate in it to repentance. We can’t sit passively by and let Western civilization commit suicide.

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A Mindful Christian

We aren't called to be mindless, naïve, emotionally charged, obtuse people. We must be mindful, wise, joyful, and astute. This means proclaiming the Gospel that quenches all fires and brings reconciliation with the red-hot Eternal God. This means being salt and light, even when people want blandness and darkness. This starts with being a mindful Christian.

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The Absolution of Transgression

The world may hate you for stomping on their easy solution to guilt or even introducing a means by which guilt is absolved. Yet, we are called to be bold and courageous, not backing down, for we have a hope that rests on the absolution of transgressions.

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The King of Christmas

The role of a king is somewhat lost on our modern Western minds. When people think of a king, they think of a wealthy, fat, finely clothed man with access to every luxury of the kingdom. They might also picture one who sits above everyone else, who is there to be served, and who makes demands. Some might imagine a tyrant who has let absolute power corrupt absolutely. As Americans, we rebel against monarchial rule, for the power belongs to the republic, not one man. After all, we won the war for independence!

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Hope in A Hopeless Culture

The Rolling Stones recently published an article on the new speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson. Johnson has openly proclaimed his biblical worldview, and even has described his governing as sourced from the Scriptures. He has not been shy about vocalizing his beliefs in the Bible and Jesus Christ. In doing this, he has incurred much wrath from those who hate Christianity. Read more about Hope in A Hopeless Culture.

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The Priesthood of the Christian

Every culture bows its knee to a religion. Every religion influences customs and activities in culture. Holidays, traditions, acceptable speech, the clothing of a society, and many more outward elements point to the inward truths that society functions under. Because religion and culture are married, each society has a select group of priests and priestesses that point people to the religion.

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