Hope in A Hopeless Culture
by Christopher Hendrix
The Rolling Stones recently published an article on the new speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson. Johnson has openly proclaimed his biblical worldview, and even has described his governing as sourced from the Scriptures. He has not been shy about vocalizing his beliefs in the Bible and Jesus Christ. In doing this, he has incurred much wrath from those who hate Christianity. The Rolling Stones article is one example of many that have come out against him. The title and the content of the article aims to mock Johnson’s family leadership and sexual purity. His family uses a program to guard against pornography called Covenant Eyes. This program seeks to report any porn usage for the purpose of accountability. The title of the article is “Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other’s Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video.” The title implies that Johnson watches porn, and brings his son in on what he is doing. The context of Johnson’s discussion of this couldn’t be further from the truth. Why the misleading title? Because of the world’s hatred for righteousness. Because of their hatred for God.
Watch Pastor Chris Hendrix’s sermon on Genesis 3:14-19.
This hatred stems all the way back to Genesis 1–3. When sin entered into the world, an utter rejection of God’s created order took place. From marriage and family to the natural created order, humanity has been bent on destroying everything that resembles God’s glory, including ourselves. Each nation and culture has been at this on various levels. Some nations have brought themselves to a point of judgment as the land has spewed them out (Leviticus 18:25). Others have repented on the brink of destruction (Jonah 3:5–7). History contains many governments who have risen and fell in their rejection of the Lord. All of this points back to Genesis 1–3.
In our nation, we see the raging battle over Genesis 1–2. From the breakdown of marriages, the approval of pornography, the push to accept gay marriage, the lie of men becoming women and vice versa, and the church accepting sin; these sinful actions erode our culture. The fruits of sin and wickedness are bearing through size 12 font condemning the righteous for being righteous. The nation spirals towards further lawlessness as God hands the depraved over to depravity. The fight to maintain truth from Genesis 1–2 seems to be lost in the sin and curses in Genesis 3.
Yet, one verse stands out that Christians continue to hope in. Genesis 3:15, the protoevangelium. The first proclamation of the Gospel amidst the darkness of sin and hopelessness of the future brought a promise. This promise reached fulfillment in Christ. Christ conquered sin. Christ bore the wrath of God towards all the evils and wickedness. Christ resurrected from the grave. Christ sent His Spirit to regenerate His children, to apply the atoning blood on our behalf. Newness of life occurs through Christ. His children are new creations.
As we look to our lost and dying culture, we know that resurrection is possible. Not because of human strength, which is an oxymoron in itself. But, because of Christ. As we look at the verbal assault of Christians, and the culture’s ramped up hatred for who we represent, let us take heart because of Genesis 3:15. The head of the evil one is bruised. He is defeated. This means we don’t have to let our culture fall to him, but we can seek to bring it under the Lordship of Christ.
How do we bring our culture under Christ? First by governing our own hearts. We must repent of our sin and be first in line to humble our hearts. We must throw off our lusts, pride, and lies by laying them before the Triune God, acknowledging them as wickedness and utter depravity. Second, our families must seek Christ. God gave us the biblical household in His Word, and we ought to seek Him for fulfilling our roles as husbands, wives, and children. This also means Christians should not view marriage and children as hindrances or relationships that can be put on hold for one’s own desires. The “living your life before responsibility” attitude is not biblical. This mindset undergirds the blood of millions of aborted babies. Third, we must be a people that worship on the Lord’s Day. When we neglect worship in God’s way on God’s day then we proclaim that God is second to our wants and desires. If God’s people do this, then we are teaching the culture to stray away from him. If God’s people don’t see Him as worthy of our complete adoration on the day He has set apart, then how much more will the nation view Him as worthless? Finally, we bring the Gospel into our spheres. Our hobbies, workplace, positions, clubs, boards, and in every area of life should have the Gospel proclaimed through our words and actions. Christ has reversed the curse for the believer, so let us be people that proclaim and live out this truth in a cursed world. Let us influence the world around us with Genesis 3:15.