The Elders of Vicenza Bible Church are publishing their writings on this blog to bring a contextualization of the gospel to their readers.


A True Church

Is the Roman Catholic church a true church? I participated in a conference in Rome this past week, and this question undergirded much of the discussion.

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Suffering with Strength from the Future

What do you turn to while suffering? What brings encouragement and hope? The Christian reply is usually called “the church” answer, Jesus! God! The Bible! Those are true, but what does turning to the Triune God and His Word mean?

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Taxation, Thievery, and the Tithe

Have you ever pondered the biblical stance on our tax system? When we consider the Bible and taxes, we might recall Jesus’ words in Matthew 17:24–27 or Matthew 22:15–22. These passages touch on the topic of paying taxes, but they don’t provide a clear directive on what constitutes an excessive amount.

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