The Elders of Vicenza Bible Church are publishing their writings on this blog to bring a contextualization of the gospel to their readers.
A Genuine Godly Grief
If we sin, we may be upset about it, but do we run back to that sin? Do we plan and premediate our sin? Do we make peace with it and hold on to it?
The Comforts of the Church
Do you struggle to find comfort among God’s people? The problem may not be others; the problem might be you. If you feel disconnected or unplugged, do you expect others to come seek after you, or do you put forth an effort to connect?
The Grand Abundance of God’s Grace
Through whatever circumstance he encounters, his life reflects the grace of God through the Spirit’s work. The grace of God overflowed with fruitfulness in Paul’s life.
The Transformation of the Untransformable
America is in dire need of transformation. The Christian’s response is not to sit back and watch, but to actively proclaim this need, the solution to the need, and the way forward.
Taming the Tongue
We are called to guard our mouths, for our words could destroy us, our families, our churches, and our society. Those who claim, "I just speak what's on my mind," don't display a virtuous characteristic but demonstrate a lack of self-control. Those who wear their emotions on their sleeves aren't "just being honest," but show they do not guard their mouth. How do we guard our mouths and tame our tongues?
A Christ Exhalting Christmas
The smells of chestnuts roasting and frittelle frying around this time of year signals that Christmas is just around the corner. The season's beauty, wonder, and glimmer inject a spark into society. A sentimental feeling swells as people are friendlier, busier, and looking forward to December 25th. Of course, as believers in Jesus Christ, Christmas holds more than warm fuzzies but a sense of climatic worship.