Faith Beyond Human Understanding

by Anthony Wilson

Advent Devotional ~ Day 7

Read Genesis 22:1-14

The story of Abraham and Isaac is such an interesting, as well as sometimes a confusing story, for us to read. In this story, God calls Abraham to take his son, Isaac, and sacrifice him. Abraham trusts God and takes Isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him as God had instructed. Isaac is laid onto the alter they built, and just as Abraham lifts his knife above his head to bring down into Isaac to kill him, we read in verses 11-12, "But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, 'Abraham! Abraham!' 'Here I am!' He answered. 'Do not harm the boy!' The angel said. 'Do not do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God because you did not withhold your son, your only son, from me.'" After Abraham heard the angel of the Lord say this to him, he saw a ram stuck in the bushes. God had provided the ram to replace Isaac as the sacrifice! Abraham demonstrated that he believed who God was and trusted that he was good in everything he instructed him to do. Abraham's faith in God allowed him to be willing to give up everything to be obedient. Abraham and Isaac's story is a foreshadowing of God the Father and Son.  The Father gave up his only son as a sacrifice to redeem all people who have faith. We deserve to be put to death for our disobedience, yet God has sent Jesus to take our punishment on the cross. Abraham was obedient to God's instruction because he knew God was good, even when his instructions seemed confusing. Jesus was obedient to the point of death because he knew that the Father is good, even in pain and separation.

 Application Questions

1. What does our faith in God's goodness cause us to think about in anticipation of the coming of Jesus?

2. How can the Christmas season encourage us to have faith that God is good, even when the world looks crazy around us?

3. Spend time reflecting on what faith has caused you to do that has seemed to be impossible. Thank God for the grace he has given you to have in faith in Him.


Jacob’s Encounter with God


Progression of the Promise