The Elders of Vicenza Bible Church are publishing their writings on this blog to bring a contextualization of the gospel to their readers.


The Comforts of the Church

Do you struggle to find comfort among God’s people? The problem may not be others; the problem might be you. If you feel disconnected or unplugged, do you expect others to come seek after you, or do you put forth an effort to connect?

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The Collision of Christ and Culture

Christians must speak up. We must call out sin in the public square. We can’t let the fear of man stop us from identifying what is wicked and calling those who participate in it to repentance. We can’t sit passively by and let Western civilization commit suicide.

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Generational Regeneration

Politicians speak well of children and kiss babies while companies market products to kids. Our world prefers youth over old age, and medical advances make the elderly look like their progeny. On the other hand, the murder of babies continues to grow.

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The Priesthood of the Christian

Every culture bows its knee to a religion. Every religion influences customs and activities in culture. Holidays, traditions, acceptable speech, the clothing of a society, and many more outward elements point to the inward truths that society functions under. Because religion and culture are married, each society has a select group of priests and priestesses that point people to the religion.

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