The Elders of Vicenza Bible Church are publishing their writings on this blog to bring a contextualization of the gospel to their readers.


The Mystery of Foreshadows

As Christians who look back into the OT, all of the mysteries are revealed to us. Christ is the answer. The OT is about Christ. Don't look at the OT as the means to earn your righteousness. Look at it as the means to deepen your love and obedience to Christ.

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Glibly Giving of Gimmicks

The Great Commission is turned to the Great Consumer. Instead of making Christians, churches make clients. This occurs by bringing unbelievers into Sunday worship, conferences, and other church events to ‘save’ them. The reality is these churches need saving.

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The Achieved Victory

When the enemies surround us and bring their attacks against us, we already have the victory in hand. Christ, who conquered death and resurrected, has given us this victory. We don't need chariots of fire. That would be a downgrade. That would be settling for a weaker army. Christ is all we need.

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The Priesthood of the Christian

Every culture bows its knee to a religion. Every religion influences customs and activities in culture. Holidays, traditions, acceptable speech, the clothing of a society, and many more outward elements point to the inward truths that society functions under. Because religion and culture are married, each society has a select group of priests and priestesses that point people to the religion.

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