God’s Gifts of Governance
by Christopher Hendrix
In observing mankind’s response to the world, G.K. Chesterton once wrote, “For decoration is not given to hide horrible things; but decorate things already adorable.” For example, my wife puts bows in our youngest daughter’s hair not because she’s ugly and needs some help (far from the truth!) but because the bow brings out her cuteness. Necklaces aren’t purposed in hiding necks, wax isn’t put on to hide the car’s paint job, nor are toppings on a pizza given to hide the flavor of the bread (unless the pizza chef messed up). This same principle carries over into the church. God didn’t provide leaders for the church because the church lacked value. Quite the opposite, because of the church’s value, God gave leaders to it.
Listen to Pastor Chris' sermon on 2 Corinthians 3:1-6
In 2 Corinthians 3:1–6, Paul describes his role as a God-given leader to the church. In common practice at that time, letters were sent with travelers to act as references on behalf of their character. When Paul met the Corinthians, he initially seemed to have presented the people with such letters. However, fast forward to 2 Corinthians, and he appeals to their lives as evidence of his leadership in the church. He doesn’t take credit for their growth but attributes that to Christ. His part in the process was being a mere messenger boy delivering the words of Christ to them. After that, the Spirit of God regenerated them and wrote the law of God on their hearts. What’s the point of Paul then? Was he just a mere decoration for something ugly? Was he there to give the church some cred with culture? No, but he was there because of Christ’s love for His church.
Church leaders are not mere figureheads, but tools in the hands of Christ. They are instruments that convey truths that bring about transformation. They are sinners turned saints who continue to be sanctified by the Spirit and model and teach others about this change of a person’s heart. They are road signs pointing to the end destination, Christ. They are not burdens to put up with, but gifts to delight in as they delight in you. They are gifts of God to His church.
The office of Elders and Deacons, established in the early church, wasn’t given to the church because the value of the church was lacking. The church’s value is found in Christ and His work. These offices weren’t created because the church needed a hierarchy to impress secular societies. They weren’t established because God was looking for an elite class to commune with and act as a mediation to others in the church. The offices of Elders and Deacons were provided because God loves His church and chooses to use human instruments to minister to other humans. Elders are responsible for the spiritual oversight of the church, while Deacons serve in practical ways, ensuring the needs of the congregation are met. Grace, mercy, understanding, patience, and kindness are all wrapped up in this work of God.
In a world that views church leaders as nothing more than social club leaders, amateur no-nothings who belong in the entertainment category, or even citizens who couldn’t make it elsewhere in society, the Bible views them as acts of love to God’s people. Men who have a high calling ought to pour themselves into it. Laziness and passivity are no options in this role. Life and death are at stake, and any church leader who cowers from applying truth will do great harm. As we ordain deacons this week to serve our local church, may we remember these are God’s gifts to us because the church’s value far exceeds anything we can imagine. These men are placed in a high calling because the church belongs to Christ.